Five Business Benefits of Power Apps

Five Business Benefits of Power Apps

Digital transformation has become the buzzword across industries today. However, can we really say that the benefits of automation and digitization have penetrated well enough?  

This dream remains far from being achieved, with IT ecosystems heavily dependent on perplexing codes and advanced tech skills.  

What Are Power Apps?

It is here that global IT leaders like Microsoft are taking initiatives to deliver enterprise-level solutions with low/no-code demands.

Microsoft Power Apps is one such platform that empowers people having a non-IT background to garner benefits of automation through tailored app development.

Microsoft Power Apps is the leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms in 2021.

Types of Power Apps

●     Canvas Apps

Canvas apps are customizable applications tailored to the needs of a business.

Essentially, a Canvas app provides business analysts a blank Canvas where they can drop in their operational data and transform it into a flowchart type format. It facilitates data visualization for analysts to make the best out of the information.

  • Standalone canvas apps: These apps are available on the web. To access these canvas apps through mobile or Tab you need to have Power Apps mobile app. These are not responsive by design but responsive container controls can be leveraged to make them responsive.
  • SharePoint customized list forms via Power Apps: User can customized both lists and library form experiences by leveraging Power Apps. These are not responsive and tied with SharePoint lists.
  • Dataverse for Teams Apps: These applications runs directly on Microsoft Teams. User needs to go to Microsoft Teams Apps library to install the application. The database per team is limited to 2GB storage capacity. These are not responsive by design but responsive container controls can be leveraged to make them responsive.
  • Power BI connected apps: This app can be created using Power App visual on the Power BI. Data can be passed from the Power BI data set to Power Apps which makes Power Apps contextually aware of the data in Power BI report and can be refined if required. Once the data is set in the direct query mode, Power Apps has capability to refresh Power BI visuals

One of the most significant benefits of using a Canvas Power app is a low code application with simple Excel-style formulas.

●     Model-driven Applications

Applications that provide features and have a behavior based on predetermined models are known as model-driven applications.

It is a component focused approach of app development without writing any code. Built on Microsoft Dataverse, it allows you to build end-to-end business applications, immersive and responsive applications for your workforce.

●     Power Apps Portal

Power Apps Portal allows to build responsive websites and enables external access to your websites anonymous or authenticated. It empowers anyone inside or outside of your organization to interact with the data in the databases.

Along with such flexibility, another advantage of using the Power Apps Portals is that users get access to Dataverse components like forms, dashboards, views, etc. So, the critical benefits of model-driven apps are very much available with portal apps.

Why Choose Power Apps: 5 Benefits

●     Quicker Development

Microsoft Power Apps are fueling the growth of automation in business intelligence.

It is because it provides a low-code platform for users across industry verticals to develop applications quickly and that can handle critical operational tasks that they deal with every day.

●     Reduced Development Cost

While using customized applications and tailored IT solutions is the need of the hour for businesses, spending money on having the right professionals on-board can be challenging for most businesses.

Here, Microsoft Power Apps play a significant role in providing a platform where even users with lesser technical abilities (Citizen Developers) in app creation can create applications that sort their business needs effectively.

User-friendly application development is a revolution in itself, actively supported by Microsoft Power Apps.

Companies have reported a reduction in application development costs by 74 percent by using Microsoft Power Apps in the recent past.

●     Citizen Developer

A basic understanding of applications and knowing how to drag and drop components is sufficient to create apps using these tools. Not just for the employees, this creates an engaging experience for the customers as well.

The benefits of such automation in businesses are already well-established.

●     Low Application Maintenance Cost

Organizations don’t need to worry about the application deployment and server maintenance. As it is hosted under the Microsoft Environment, Microsoft is regularly initiating the required maintenance.

Sharing apps is like sharing documents! Publish instantly to iOS, Android, Windows and Web.

●     Streamlined Business Processes

Incorporation of automation in routine business tasks more accessible than ever before, Microsoft Power Apps ensure that companies move towards Streamlined Business Processes in the truest sense.

Citizen Developers in can manage data and permissions, access control options, and view saved applications anytime with power apps.

Work With Power Apps Partner

Automation and digitization are complex without the use and inclusion of applications.

Microsoft Power Apps play an instrumental role in making companies self-sufficient in developing apps to sustain their needs. 86% of Fortune 500 companies are already using Microsoft Power Apps.

Intellify has been a trusted Microsoft partner for more than seven years now. We quickly migrated to the Power ecosystem and helped companies develop potential with Power Apps.

A team of expert IT professionals with years of experience, Intellify is the number one choice for creating customized Power Apps for commercial purposes.