by Intellify | May 31, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning? What is Machine Learning? Some of you might be smiling and saying – why this article now? Since we have already published couple of articles on Regression and Recommendation Engine. But then we also got some of the queries saying – what is...
by Intellify | May 17, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Machine Learning
What is Linear Regression? Machine Learning – Regression Regression analysis is one of the predictive modelling technique used to identify the relationship between identified variables, typically referred as a Dependent Variables(s) (target) and Independent...
by Intellify | May 3, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Machine Learning
What are Recommendation Engines? What are Recommendation Engines? We humans are more inclined to buy products or services which are recommended by other people we trust like friends, relatives, colleagues or general trend of what other people are buying. These...